Description / Abstract

The African Minister's Council on Water (AMCOW) Policy and Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in Africa’s Water Sector was developed in the context of the African Union’s efforts to support gender mainstreaming, within development sectors including the water sector. The policy serves as a guiding framework for AMCOW, AU member states and other stakeholders, to mainstream gender in their sector policies, programs, actions and investments.

The purpose of this Strategy is to provide a reference point whilst recognizing varied levels of progress from country to country. The assumption is that countries will tailor implementation of gender mainstreaming goals based on the realities of local context and existing experience. The Strategy seeks to build on experiences in the sharing of good practices, to enhance accountability and encourage adherence to commitments and minimum standards for gender mainstreaming in the region.

The Gender Strategy has identified seven mutually reinforcing objectives that should be pursued by all member states, partners and water authorities, as summarized below:

Strategy objectives

  1. Policy positions on gender in the water sector in Africa supported and strengthened through policy formulation and implementation
  2. Adequate human and financial resources allocated to gender mainstreaming through strategic resource mobilization activities
  3. Gender approach to implement project interventions at all levels within the water sector, including economic empowerment through equal access to water for productive purposes developed and adopted
  4. Strategic research and collection of operational information on gender undertaken, produced, shared and used by stakeholders to inform evidence based responses
  5. Human and institutional capacity developed to support gender equality interventions at all levels
  6. Mechanisms to promote cooperation and coordination to mainstream gender in the water sector strengthened
  7. Monitoring and evaluation system and indicators to support gender equality interventions in the water sector developed and implemented.
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