Description / Abstract

The urban water providers are confronted with the multiple challenges of limited water availability, inadequate water quality and rising living standards, resulting in growing water demands. The inefficient water supply systems and negative impacts of changing climate are threatening local water resource availability and increasing risks of water-related disasters in developing countries. Therefore, providing adequate quantity and quality of potable water presents a complex challenge for urban water providers. In developing countries, coping with the growing water demand is based on conventional water supply-driven approaches. The traditional methods of augmenting water supply using engineering practices are considered short-term solutions. In this background, the chapter argued in favour of the transition from supply-oriented management toward demand-oriented management. Urban water demand management emphasizes the ‘demand over supply’ approach and effectively manages the demand determinants. The strategies defined as classified as supply-side and demand-side solutions to reduce water demands. With the help of a case study (Kathmandu Valley, Nepal), the effectiveness of urban water management strategies is evaluated. The result showed that the strategies effectively reduce water demand, conserve local sources and increase water availability. It also plays a significant role in the transitioning of the conventional water supply system to an effective water management system.

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