Welcome to the Community of Learning and Practice on Drought Management!

At COP 15, Parties requested the UNCCD Secretariat to encourage, support and facilitate communities of learning and practice to pursue co-learning and collaboration for drought risk reduction and resilience capacity-building issues (Dec 23/COP. 15 Para 8). As response to this decision, the UNCCD Secretariat in collaboration with GWP launched the Communities of Learning and Practice (CLPs) with the mission to pursue co-learning and collaboration for drought risk reduction and resilience capacity-building issues. The objectives of the CLPs are to: 

  • Enhance the knowledge and technical capacities of national actors and key stakeholder working on drought management and desertification, i.a., though the uptake of the UNCCD Drought Toolbox.
  • Encourage the adoption, replication, and upscaling of integrated and inclusive drought management practices. 
  • Support the design and development of integrated drought management policies and governance frameworks. 
  • Build trust, cooperation, and a shared sense of identification between national actors and other key stakeholder working on drought management and desertification.
  • Support a paradigm shift towards proactive, gender responsive and transdisciplinary thinking on integrated drought management.

The CLPs pertain to policy makers, scientists, international experts, researchers, students, farmers, field practitioners and other professionals who are interested in drought-related issues  . Women, youth, and indigenous people are particularly welcome to join the CLPs.

The CLPs are open to people across the world. In addition to the global CLP, there are also 5 regional CLPs (Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), Northern Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe). The regional CLPs will add value to this knowledge sharing platform by allowing community members to discuss region specific ideas, challenges, and experiences.

This online knowledge hub offers a virtual space where CLP members can share perspectives, knowledge, ideas, and experiences among each other. You can easily post your opinions, share news and events, upload case studies, get to know other people with interest, and directly contact other members via private messages. 

Here are some key activities and services offered by the CLPs and this dedicated virtual space:

  • Library of curated tools, case studies, and technical resources on drought management.
  • Workshops and capacity building activities to support the design of National Drought Policy Plans with the aim of boosting the resilience of people and ecosystems to drought. 
  • Expert discussions and webinars on a variety of topics related to drought management (i.a., land degradation, dust storms, early warning systems, monitoring, etc.)
  • Peer-to-peer exchange on good practices, practical considerations, and lessons.   
  • Networking events to get to know people from all around the world working on drought-related issues. 
  • Membership directory for you to find experts in your specific field and country of interest.  

On behalf of the UNCCD Secretariat, we extend a warm welcome to the CLPs on drought management and look forward to exchanging with you!